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Oct. 30, 2023

Dr. Christopher Slaton: A Journey of Resilience in the face of childhood trauma and a son with Schizophrenia

Dr. Christopher Slaton: A Journey of Resilience in the face of childhood trauma and a son with Schizophrenia

Meet Dr. Christopher Slaton, a man whose life journey has been marked by resilience, understanding, and a unique approach to parenting. In this captivating episode, we delve into his remarkable experiences, insights, and the lessons he's learned along the way.

Meeting His Wife and Dealing with His Son's Mental Illness

At 26:10 in the podcast, Dr. Slaton shares a pivotal moment in his life. He met his wife through his brother, a connection that would shape his future profoundly. Their journey together began after he joined the Marine Corps, and he emphasizes the challenges of becoming a parent without the blueprint of a conventional childhood. Dr. Slaton's reflection on the responsibility of parenting and the importance of understanding the "breath of life" sets the stage for the challenges he would later face with his son's mental illness.

"How do you be a parent when you didn't have that type of childhood, I'm telling you, no, it's a responsibility, you know? And so the breath of life, again, we go back to the breath of life because you see if you're not feeling the breath of life and you can't get into that child the way that child needs you to get into them, then that child falls behind."

Dr. Slaton's journey takes a poignant turn as he discusses his son's battle with schizophrenia. Despite his background in education, he candidly admits that he should have recognized the early signs of his son's condition sooner. This personal struggle led him to develop a deep understanding of human systems research and science.

"So when we go to that level, we're talking about my son, who developed schizophrenia. And I, As a doctor of education, I'm saying that you should have knew, you should have caught it, you should have found it, you should have already knew how to address it."

The Importance of Communication and Contracts in Relationships

In this segment, Dr. Slaton reflects on the foundation of his relationship with his wife. Their connection was built upon open communication and a unique contract they formulated together. Dr. Slaton emphasizes the significance of treating a family as a business, highlighting the importance of clear parameters and mutual understanding.

"The contract was, this is how I am, this is how you are. And if we can come together because my philosophy has always been that a family is a business. It has to be developed as one."

He discusses the critical aspect of setting boundaries in relationships, especially when it comes to physicality. Dr. Slaton believes that addressing these issues upfront is crucial to creating a safe and respectful environment.

"And start learning how to help your son... you better never put your hands on me. Right. Yeah, no more. So I already know you have to have that up front so that no, when you got a sense of feel for self, you want that person to say that so that you understand you can defend yourself by saying, I don't do that."

Navigating the Loss of a Loved One

The conversation takes an emotional turn as Dr. Slaton discusses the loss of his son, who battled not only schizophrenia but also its devastating effects on his health. His son's passing in 2013 was a profound loss, and Dr. Slaton reflects on the pain and suffering his son endured.

"The sadness, the sadness, but his pain is gone. The hurt that he was experiencing is gone. I'm talking about the side effects of schizophrenia, the eating disorder, the diabetes, heart failure, all those things that contributed."

Dr. Slaton's approach to dealing with his son's condition was marked by empathy and an unwavering commitment to communicating with his son's brain. This approach allowed them to connect on a level that transcended the symptoms of mental illness.

"See, that's schizophrenia, that's brain talk. He talks all the time. And inside the context is meat on the bone because he's talking to you."

Dr. Slaton's journey is a testament to the power of understanding, empathy, and resilience. His insights into parenting and navigating mental illness offer valuable lessons for anyone facing similar challenges. Through open communication, contracts, and a commitment to connecting with the human mind, he has created a legacy of strength and compassion.

"I'm the most difficult person to deal with because I'm constantly requiring that you do more because I do more... I'm a lot of work."

Dr. Christopher Slaton's story reminds us that even in the face of adversity, there is room for growth, understanding, and transformation. His journey is an inspiration for all those seeking to navigate life's complexities with love and compassion.


Dr. Christopher Slaton's podcast episode is a profound exploration of his life journey, filled with valuable lessons on parenting, mental health, and the power of understanding. His commitment to open communication, contracts in relationships, and connecting with the human mind serves as a beacon of hope for those facing similar challenges. Through his unique approach, he reminds us that resilience and compassion can lead to transformative growth, even in the most challenging circumstances.