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How did Pro Wrestling Save Aaron Machbitz's life?

How did Pro Wrestling Save Aaron Machbitz's life?

In the realm of podcasting, some conversations transcend the digital airwaves, touching the very core of our existence. Aaron Mashvitz's journey from professional wrestling to becoming a mental health advocate is one such narrative. In this blog post, we'll dive into two sections of Aaron's powerful podcast episode, exploring key themes of mental health, coping with tragedy, self-acceptance, and compassion. Along the way, we'll share notable quotes and anecdotes that shine a light on these profound subjects.

A Crossroads in Professional Wrestling

"Like how am I gonna be out here talking about love and empathy and support and guidance and things like that. And I'm gonna go to a show and I know it's pretend and I know it's a script and I know I'm playing a character to tell a little girl to shut up because I'm the heel, right, instead of being nice to her and talking to her and signing her autographs and all these things."

In this gripping section, Aaron recounts the turning point in his professional wrestling career. He grapples with the inner conflict of portraying a character at odds with his values of love and empathy. This profound realization sets the stage for his transformation into a mental health advocate.

The Weight of Suicide Stigma

"And so I know it's a plausible and logical thing to say that suicide is selfish. It makes sense It does it makes sense I get it because this person that you love wasn't thinking about you your dog your life your kids your friends your family all the Great moments you have that yesterday you told them you love them They weren't thinking about that of course not all they were thinking about in the darkest moment They've ever had in their whole life was that I have to fucking half this pain to stop I actually do might want to live and I do want to see tomorrow but I can't see tomorrow because this pain that I have is insurmountable..."

Aaron fearlessly confronts the stigma surrounding suicide, offering profound insights into the mindset of someone at their breaking point. He challenges the misconception that suicide is an act of selfishness, shedding light on the unimaginable pain that drives individuals to such extremes.

The Hidden Relief Amidst Grief

"I felt like you might be able to kind of express some things around that, given the work that you do, it's not an easy conversation to have for anybody listening. I don't want people to think that this is somehow just an easy, casual conversation at this point in time, but this is a crucial conversation, I think."

This poignant section touches on the nuanced emotions of grief and relief after a loved one's suicide. Aaron and his guest delve into the complexity of feeling relief, a sentiment that often goes unspoken. The conversation reminds us that discussing mental health and suicide is crucial, even when it's uncomfortable.

The Controversial Question of Choice

"You know, in a conversation with a very, very experienced psychologist who has more than four decades working with like severe personality disorders, you know, we were having a conversation in and around suicide. And she made this remark, I don't know the exact quote, but it was like, people do have the right to choose to end their life."

Here, the podcast explores a controversial question: Do individuals have the right to choose to end their own lives? Aaron and his guest engage in a thought-provoking dialogue about compassion and the desire to end suffering. This conversation challenges preconceptions and invites us to consider complex ethical dilemmas.

Not Obligated to Save the World

"You do not. Right. But you don't. No matter what social media says about all of this stuff, right, you just have to be able to find some peace in it so that you can move forward with the life you are continually living."

Aaron offers a refreshing perspective on coping with tragedy. He reminds us that experiencing a tragic event doesn't obligate us to turn it into our life's mission. Instead, it encourages us to focus on finding inner peace, managing our emotions, and moving forward with the life we have.

A Message of Love and Self-Acceptance

"Well, it's the same thing that I needed when I was at my worst, is that you are loved. And I don't care if it sounds cheesy or if it sounds lame. It's true."

Aaron's heartfelt message resonates deeply: You are loved and valued, even in your darkest moments. He encourages self-acceptance and emphasizes that embracing our unique selves is a worthwhile pursuit. His journey from self-doubt to self-love serves as an inspiring example.

The Divine Spark Within

"The conversation concludes with a reminder that each individual possesses a divine spark that should be shared with the world. Aaron's story encourages us to find that spark within ourselves and take steps toward personal healing and growth."

In the final moments of the podcast episode, Aaron's story leaves us with a powerful realization. Each of us carries a unique and invaluable spark within, a gift meant to be shared with the world. His journey inspires us to embark on our paths to healing and self-discovery.

Conclusion: Embracing Compassion

Aaron Mashvitz's podcast episode takes us on an emotional journey through the depths of mental health, the weight of suicide stigma, and the power of compassion. His story serves as a beacon of hope, reminding us that we are deeply loved and that our unique qualities deserve to shine. As we reflect on Aaron's journey, we're encouraged to find our own divine spark, embrace self-acceptance, and move forward with compassion for ourselves and others.

[Keywords: Mental Health, Suicide, Coping, Self-Acceptance, Compassion, Healing, Support, Understanding]